For the past 10 months, we’ve explored a theme that is pertinent to all artists. Let’s sum this season up and get the definitive answer to this crucial question.
Saturday Song Selection – Radio Film School Faves
This coming week marks the season 1 finale of Radio Film School. In honor of our first season, here are the five most played tunes on the show.
The War of Art to Pursue Your Passion Projects [RFS-FJ19]
Practical lessons on finding the time to pursue passion projects which might not yet pay the bills. Plus, a literal “road to Damascus” experience.
Radio Film School Father’s Day Special
It’s only fitting that as we head into the week that kicks off the Radio Film School season finales, we end the season where we began. With fathers.
The Role of Producers and How to Finance a Film [RFS-SE19]
Today we have two professionals in the world of filmmaking to give expert information on 1) the role of “producer” and 2) how to finance a film.
Radio Film School Season Update and Series Trailer [RFS-FJ18]
This week we have a special episode and update that includes listener voicemail, a trailer for a new podcast and film series, and a provocative if not fun behind the scenes discussion about a past episode.
Saturday Song Selection – Female Agency
Today we are filming the follow up to our “Women in Film” series. So this week’s Creative Commons picks are all about empowering women. You go girl!
Great Interview Lights that Pack a Powerful Punch at the Right Price
My review of the Flashpoint LED lights by Adorama.
Alfred Hitchcock: Anatomy of a Genius [RFS-FJ17]
There are few filmmakers in the history of the craft who are as revered for their work, and as associated with a particular style, as Sir Alfred Hitchcock.
Superheroes in Cinema Pt. 1: The Art of Adaptation [RFS-SE18]
Superhero movies are all the rage lately. Believe it or not, there is a lot filmmakers can learn from them. Today is Part 1 in a new Short Ends series.