With products like this on the market, who needs exercise, healthy eating, or even good photography. A groundbreaking product and video you don’t want to miss!
Crossing the 180 #27: Jesse Rosten of iPad+Velcro Fame
Have you ever wondered about all the amazing things you could do with your iPad if you just put your mind to it? Well, so did today’s guest, and that wonderment garnered him online video fame, as well as, as far as I know, the only non-commissioned personal video on Apple’s website touting one of […]
Personal and Pro Bono Projects Can Prove Profitable
Can you say that title ten times fast?! When you earn a living as a photographer or filmmaker, it’s easy to get into the trap of feeling like unless you’re getting paid for a gig, you won’t do a gig. I speak from experience because I know at times that’s how I feel. But the […]