Star Trek fan films have been around over four decades. They’ve come in all shapes, sizes, and varying levels of quality. In all that time, the copyright owners of Star Trek have remained quiet. So why has one fan film elicited a lawsuit that has the fan community in an uproar?
The Role of Producers and How to Finance a Film [RFS-SE19]
Today we have two professionals in the world of filmmaking to give expert information on 1) the role of “producer” and 2) how to finance a film.
Superheroes in Cinema Pt. 1: The Art of Adaptation [RFS-SE18]
Superhero movies are all the rage lately. Believe it or not, there is a lot filmmakers can learn from them. Today is Part 1 in a new Short Ends series.
Brandon McCormick and Proof It’s the Talent Not the Tools [SE17]
I originally thought about calling this Radio Film School episode “Brandon McCormick’s Incredible Infinite Catalog of Creative Compositions”. But Talent v. Tools was easier. Find out why and what you’ll learn.
Sean Parker’s Screening Room: Cineplex vs. Living Room [SE16]
Sean Parker first helped bring the music industry to its knees with his co-creation of Napster. Now he has his sights on the movie business.
What Makes a Great Sci-Fi Film? [SE15]
What exactly makes a science fiction film great? Numerous filmmakers and sci-fi cinephiles chime.
Think Like a Man [SE14]
Today we have a provocative update to our “Women in Film” series. Should women think like men to get ahead in the biz?
A Brief History of Cinema – A Circa Podcast Collaboration [SE13]
This week we premiere our first podcast collaboration with the Circa Podcast as we look at a history of cinema.
The Best of Radio Film School Stories Pt. 1
We recount some of our favorite Radio Film School stories during these first six months of the podcast. Plus, a big announcement.
A Post-Oscars Special: Artists, Awards & Acceptance [RFS Bonus]
Leave it to Radio Film School to turn a funny anecdote about swing dancing into a valuable lesson for filmmakers and artists of all kinds.