Today’s guest is one of those passionate filmmakers that you could talk to for hours and not realize how much time has flown by. I met Terrie Samundra while I was filming the promo video for the SF Bay Area Windrider Forum (a sort of mini-Sundance designed to generate meaningful discussions around the films screened). Terrie’s award-winning film “Kunjo” was screening there. As we did the idle chit-chat in the Green Room (which really was green) I learned some fascinating things about Terrie. She’s a marketing rep for SlamDance. She partially grew up in the Punjab region of India. She has her MFA in Cinema from San Francisco State. She’s married to a fellow filmmaker and has two kids. As the daughter of a white father from Missouri, and a dark-skinned mother from the Punjab, her personal and ethnic background have definitely informed the kind of work she does. In this episode you’re guaranteed to be inspired as she talks about the making of “Kunjo,” her thoughts on going to film school, what it takes to be a success in this business today, race relations, and more. I think you will find the time passing as quickly as I did.
Bumper music for this show is “Tater City” by Glenn Shambroom, part of the TRUE ROMANCE collection, courtesy of Triple Scoop Music.
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Curt Longacre says
Loved your podcast with Terri Samundra, writer and director of Kunjo. (Thanks for the Windrider shout out.) Your lead conversation with Terri on “Mixed in America” was interesting and illuminating. (Couldn’t believe some of the comments/questions by others.) What was fun was hearing Terri’s personality and passion for filmmaking come though in the conversation. I would encourage your readers/listeners to check it out.