Last week I wrote extensively about pricing strategies for your business. That series generated a lot of great discussion and follow up comments and emails. One person asked if I would write about hiring subcontractors. I already did three years ago. But, I think there’s a good follow up to that post worth addressing. Specifically […]
Edward Burns Crosses the Gap Between Old Hollywood and New
I think it’s a fitting end to my week-long series on the New, New Hollywood filmmaker by talking about Edward Burns. You may recall that Burns hit it big and had the ultimate filmmaker’s dream come true when his indie film “The Brothers McMullen” became a critical, festival, and box office hit back in 1995. Since […]
Five Blogging Tips for Photographers and Filmmakers
It was just five years ago when the event filmmaking community came kicking and screaming into the world wide web of blogging. Many called it a fad. Well, now everyone and their mother has a blog, but it’s still somewhat of a mystery to some as to how to effectively use it. Photographers have been […]
Haters Are Gonna Hate—A Surefire Strategy For Dealing with Trolls and Other Dregs of the Internet
The title says it all. Five full-proof strategies for dealing with hatahs.
Blockbuster Video and a Fatal Lesson About Ignoring the Signs
In the past few weeks, I’ve seen something that 15 years ago I would never have dreamed would be a reality: Blockbuster Video stores with “Store Closing” banners hanging out front. What in the world happened? There was a time when Blockbuster was the “king of the world.” They were to small mom and pop […]
A Follow Friday Strategy That Gets Results
If you’re an avid Twitter-er (is that even a word?) then you are no doubt familiar with #FollowFriday. It’s a Twitter tradition of suggesting to your Twitter followers other people for them to follow. Using the hashtag #FF or #followfriday, you’ll see something like this: #FF @rondawson, @crossingthe180 The theory is that people who follow […]
The Secret to Attaining Work-Life Balance: Disconnect
This was actually a comment I left on Michael Hyatt’s blog, but I thought it would be good to share it with my readers here. Just food for thought, but how would your life change if you weren’t connected 24/7 via your iPhone? I often see people ask the question “How can I attain a […]