In this old video of Steve addressing his team, he talks about the importance of taking care of your brand so that it can retain its vitality.
A Case Study in Setting Yourself Apart: This Blog
The hoopla over Canon’s announcement gave me a revelation about my blog that turns out to be a great case study on setting yourself apart and the benefits.
Let’s Commit to Be Insanely Great…In Life
In a sea of millions of blogs remembering the life and contributions of Steve Jobs today, even if just one of you reads this special tribute, it will be worth me writing it.
John Lasseter: A Success Story of Passion, Purpose and Perseverance
Pixar is batting 100. They are 11 for 11. Eleven feature animated films that all have achieved both massive commercial as well as critical success. Their films have garnered 26 Oscars, 7 Golden Globes, 3 Grammys and over $6 billion in worldwide sales. Every sequel they make is better than its predecessor. Their record is […]