So many project management tools to choose from. Asana is a simple and versatile cloud-based PM tool that I have stuck with and love.
Seven Steps for a Friendly Follow-up
Effective follow-up with clients can make or break your business. Here are seven tips I’ve found very helpful over the years.
The Future of Professional Portrait Photography
This was a post I originally published in June 2009. It’s interesting to see how much of it is around today. If you’re a pro photographer, how does this make you feel?
Five Tips to Perfect Your Pre-production
Ask any filmmaker worth her weight in salt and she’ll tell you that perhaps the most important part in the filmmaking process is pre-production. The more planning and preparation you can do ahead of time, the better the rest of the process will be. Today I want to share with you five tips to perk […]
Do You Have Systems in Place to Close the Deal?
Yesterday I was in a local UPS Store getting information about their box services. The manager I met with was a young guy, but really on the ball. Polite. Courteous. Informative. Didn’t give me a hard sell. I wasn’t ready to commit right then and there but told him I’d call back. He copied my […]