This blog post is for all of you interested in using the C300, but don’t necessarily have a broad video background. These are the little “gotchas” you should be aware of (particularly if you come from DSLRs).
Who Is Nino Leitner and the C300
Today we have a podcast rewind with Austrian filmmaker Nino Leitner. Leitner is always on top of the latest and greatest gadgets. But who is the man behind that C300. If you’ve missed this podcast the first time around, you’re in for a treat.
A Case Study in Setting Yourself Apart: This Blog
The hoopla over Canon’s announcement gave me a revelation about my blog that turns out to be a great case study on setting yourself apart and the benefits.
Nino Leitner – Austrian Filmmaker Extraordinaire (Crossing the 180 #35)
Today I start a mini-series on foreign filmmakers (i.e. filmmakers working outside the U.S.) When it comes to the world of filmmaking, the beautiful country of Austria has given us a wonderful artist. No, I’m not talking about the ex-Govenator of California. Of couse, I’m talking about none other than Mr. Nino Leitner. The son […]