An inspirational video and voice over that challenges you to ask a provocative question that can change your whole life.
What a Sabbatical Can Do for Your Art
For professional creatives, time-off is imperative. How do you expect to inspire others if you don’t set aside a time to experiment and be inspired?
A Pep Talk from Kid President
“Two roads diverged in wood and I took the one less traveled by… and it hurt, man!” Need encouragement? Inspiration? Listen to this pep talk by Kid President.
Don’t Be Average
Another inspiring bit of advice from best-selling author Andy Andrews.
20 Years of Making Films and 7 Lessons I’ve Learned
There are so many things I’ve learned about filmmaking in the 20 years since I took my first class. These seven are pretty high up there.
J.K. Rowling on Failure and Imagination
Best selling author of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, gives a funny and inspiring presentation about benefits of failure and the power of imagination. You don’t want to miss it!
Create Art that is “Inconceivable!”
In this digital age, many people are making photography and film another DIY project. To make your art stand out, it should be inconceivably incredible! You should make people wonder how on Earth you did it. Meet Paul Cadden.
Shine Light Instead of Spreading Darkness: The Great Positivity Experiment
A bold challenge to filmmakers and photographers to start a movement to spread positivity in the industry. Will you take up the challenge?
Are You Happy in Your Current “Job”?
Are you truly happy doing what you do. May you be encouraged by today’s post to truly go after your higher calling.
Ira Glass On the Importance of Doing a Lot of Work
Ira Glass is the host of the popular public radio show, “This American Life.” He did an interview about storytelling, and in this segment, he talks about the importance of doing a lot of work. You see, when we start out in this creative business, we have a certain level of taste. We know what’s […]