creator. Corporate video producer and DP. Eloquent geek talker. Matt Jeppsen is a filmmaker’s filmmaker. Today’s episode of Crossing the 180 is one you don’t want to miss.
A Case Study in Setting Yourself Apart: This Blog
The hoopla over Canon’s announcement gave me a revelation about my blog that turns out to be a great case study on setting yourself apart and the benefits.
Geek Talk Between Matt Jeppsen and Tom Guilmette
What happens when you get a bunch of passionate filmmakers togehter within talking distance for more than 30 seconds. You get “geek talk.” Enjoy and learn.
An Overview of Shane Hurlbut’s Master Cinema Series Event
Last weekend was a DSLR filmmaking, star-studded event as Shane Hurlbut and Letus announced the release of their new DSLR rig system, the Master Cinema Series.