My advice to seasoned professionals to create a 10-step system to counter The Photo System. In short: go to the mattresses.
My Commentary on “The Photo System” Drama
Some wanted to know how I specifically feel about the “thing” that caused the drama last week. Here’s my answer.
Little Platforms Can Still Go a Long Way
In my follow up to yesterday’s post about building a platform to survive the new free-conomy, today I offer a few suggestions on how you can build a useful platform for your business without having it reach tens of thousands of people.
Building a Platform and Surviving This New Free-conomy
There’s a growing amount of products, services and education being offered free of charge. You may even see your competition giving away more stuff for free. So how does a small business survive in such a bizarro economy? Good question.
Should You Mix Religion and Business?
Religion today is very much a big business. Billions of dollars a year is spent on books, tapes, videos, seminars, etc. We’ve come to expect it as a society. But, there seems to be another form of “business and religion” growing in popularity. “Regular” businesses (for lack of a better word), infusing religion (or faith) […]