Every week the staff of Dare Dreamer FM picks five Creative Commons songs that are free to use in your productions. You could do this work yourself, but it takes a lot of time. Since we do it anyway as we look for CC music for Radio Film School, we share our favorite discoveries with you. Enjoy!
This Week’s Picks
Image licensed through PixalBay. CC by Ben_Kerckx
For this week’s “Mixtape” of wonderful music choices, I have selected to go with a theme of romance in films. I wanted to find music of all kinds that you might hear or want to use in a film to exude that romantic quality, whether its the epic score tied with the stunning visuals of two lovers finally being able to hold each other or the sad, ambient tune of heartache that goes hand-in0hand with love. Hopefully its more of the former! I personally don’t like the typical romantic songs you hear on the radio or the cliche pop love songs either so these will not fall into that category. I definitely wanted to find songs that would fit a wide variety of genre films for those intricate and complicated romantic bits. Enjoy the songs and look forward to any feedback!
Behind Your Window – Kai Engel (CC-BY)
To me this is the beginning of innocent love, a simple tune that emphasizes getting to know someone and all the excitement that comes with that. Its faster beat coincides with the faster beating of one’s heart as they see the love of their life walking by. Its all about introductions and getting past the first words.
This Cloud – Luno (CC-BY-SA)
I chose this song for the upeaty beat and the youthful tone that it has. It brings to mind the image of two young lovers running through NYC enjoying the adventure of a lifetime. If its an indie, they don’t end up together but if its romantic movie, they will be separated in the beginning of the third act but ultimately find each other right before the credits roll.
Sweet Dreams – Scott Holmes (CC-BY)
The name of the song appropriately concides with what I was going for with this song. Its tone is very light and creates a very dreamlike sense of wonderment, the type that a person gets when they begin discovering the small, little things of their love. The things that make them laugh, that make them turn away in shyness and a little embarrassment. Its in these moments when everything seems perfect, just like a dream.
The Voices – Josh Woodward (CC-BY)
This is the song where everything is tested. The relationship that has been built through the previous three songs is being put through the woodchipper to see if it can handle real life. Its about getting to know the other person, but this time, not the happy moments only. The things that make them real. Its about the shadows coming forth and creating darker tones for the film as well as the relationship.
Cylinder Five – Chris Zabriskie (CC-BY)
I chose this song for a couple of reasons: Its spaciness. Its vastness. It brings to mind a pair of lovers looking to the sky and stars, seeing the emptiness of their lives without each other. Think Romeo and Juliet but with ambient music…and no death at the end of the film.