Every week the staff of Dare Dreamer FM picks five Creative Commons songs that are free to use in your productions. You could do this work yourself, but it takes a lot of time. Since we do it anyway as we look for CC music for Radio Film School, we share our favorite discoveries with you. Enjoy!
This Week’s Picks
Image (c) Mike Foster from Pixabay. CC-Zero.
Arne Huseby “Warm Duck Shuffle” (CC-BY) and “Stormy Blues” (CC-BY)
I chose these two songs for their similarity in being of the genre “Blues” but also because they show both great sides of it. Both songs can give you a great blues vibe, with the Stormy Blues being exactly what you imagined a blues club to be: dark, smokey, and an enjoyment of the slow life. Warm Duck Shuffle gives you the faster jazz feel, keeping its tone upbeat but not overly happy.
Jason Shaw “Solo Acoustic Guitar” (CC-BY)
This was chosen for slow but amazing guitar work of Jason Shaw. It has a real folksy feel without making you feel like you’re out in the sticks and listening to a twangy banjo. Very peaceful and great for a scene of walking in the woods or through a golden field of grain.
Chris Zabriskie – “Cylinder Six” (CC-BY)
The ambient feel of this song definitely gives off a great vibe of walking in the night sky and watching the stars as they tried to tell you your future. Its a very expansive song with a calm overtone. Great for time-lapse films.
Kai Engle – “Low Horizon” (CC-BY)
What an amazing soundtrack piece. It has the potential to be used in a couple of different scenarios. It has a powerful element to it which is just further enhanced with the sound of war drums and a horns section that knows how to take it to a new level.
Chris Huslage is an assistant podcast producer for Dare Dreamer FM and loves making short films in his current town of the amazing Austin, TX.