This week’s mixtape of Creative Commons songs comes all the from space. Yes…outer space.
This Week’s Picks
My mood is feeling a little distant as of late and I could think of no better theme than the songs that make me think of outer space, getting lost in space, discovering anything and everything, and generally feeling like I am both alone and not alone in the world. These songs are definitely going to feel like they are all over the place but it totally works….not everything is uniform in space now is it?? Hope you enjoy these tunes!
Origin I by Scott Holmes (CC-BY)
When you think space, you think of endless blackness and the vastness that you are sinking into. But then you will see the spots of color, of bright light, of stars being born and galaxies created. Well, that is what I would like to think anyways if we could travel in space. This tune from Scott Holmes definitely has me initially thinking of the black space that surrounds everything but then it changes, and becomes faster, lighter, a little more hopeful. Because in space, its easy to get lost until you find the light.
Train by Sergey Cheremisinov (CC-BY)
I think this tune is perfect for a film where the main character is unsure of the path they are taking. It reminds me a lot of that scene from Interstellar when Matthew McConaughey’s character is leaving the farm as he goes to make his journey to space. He knows he is leaving his family and might not come back; or if he does, they will be years older. But he has to do it. For humanity… for his family. I think this song captures that internal turmoil and the peace that comes with making that final decision. Very good somber track.
Through the Atmosphere by MindsEye (CC-BY)
This song goes a bit of a different path. The techno beat and electronic tones definitely give off an unusual feel for space but I liked it because 1) the album cover has space on it!! and 2) it reminded me of a dance club that might be trying to recreate that you might be in space while you’re dancing. Think the opera scene from the Fifth Element (I know, I feel like I just dated myself there…..)
The Ort Cloud by Wayne Kinos (CC-BY-SA)
This one has an electronic beat to it as well but it’s mainly the middle part of the song that really gets me. It has a Final Fantasy feel to it, from a scene where the grand scale of what the hero has to overcome is so large, that he wonders if he can do it. But resolve courses through him as he hears the faint words of a lost friend and sets forth along his path, the sky lit by the many moons of the world.
What a great song to end on. To me, this captures the returning back to Earth, back to normalcy, back to the mundane. There still is a spark in the eye of the main character as they remember everything they saw in space. And it has forever changed them. It has given them an idea that when the world seems so large and so overwhelming, there is so much more.