Yesterday I wrote about the power and importance of knowing your purpose: in life and in business. Today I want to address an exercise you can do to help hone your business purpose. It’s quite simple really.
Identifying Your Client
Once you’ve identified your business’ purpose, you should clearly identify your client. This may seem like a no-brainer to you. But I bet many of you haven’t really done this. Where you’ve written down specifically who it is you’re targeting to see how it connects to your business purpose. The best way to illustrate this is to share with you what we’ve done for Dare Dreamer Media. Use this as a model for your business.
Who Are We?
Mission Statement – Dare Dreamer Media is a social media and video production agency that specializes in worthy causes and inspirational films. We use our God-given gifts as storytellers to inspire, encourage, and move our clients’ audiences to improve their lives and better the community. We do that by providing superior customer service and a premium product marked by stunning creativity. We want nothing less than to change the world.
Who Are You?
- You’re an organization that has a message to communicate in a powerfully emotional way. A message that needs to be heard because of the positive changes it will make in the community. A message that will inspire your audience. A a message to bring hope.
- You’re a Fortune 1000 company looking to motivate your personnel to to aspire to achieve goals never before reached. To encourage them in times when the horizon may seem bleak. To remind them of the important mission set out before them.
- You’re an individual passionate about helping other people and individuals improve their lives and move forward.
- You’re a speaker, coach, teacher, or author whose work has already had a powerful affect on others. Now you want to reach a wider audience using the power of filmmaking to communicate your message.
- You’re a small business with a product or service that is unique and compelling. One that is best communicated via a film that will emotionally connect with you’re desired customers or clients.
- You’re someone who wants to inspire, encourage, and convict your audience.
Get the picture. Now you do it? Feel free to share your mission statement.