We’ve come to the end of our international excursion of interviewing foreign filmmakers. It’s been quite a ride. Today’s guest brings us back to North America to Toronto, ONT. In fact, our guest today is the perfect bridge between the foreign filmmaker series and the next series I’m doing on YouTubers. Today we have Tom Antos.
Tom has a popular YouTube show where he goes behind the scenes of his amazing music videos and other films to educate viewers. In fact, that’s how he got started. People just started asking him on YouTube how he did things and he started making videos to show them. Now his channel gests tens of thousands of views each week. He’s also been able to hook up with some big names in the YouTuber-verse, like DeStorm. Be sure you check out the DeStorm video “Famous Movies in One Take” below. It is crazy! He talks about how he made it, as well as how he got into filmmaking. Tom also offers some value insight into the Vimeo vs. YouTube discussion that I’ve honestly never considered before. I think you’ll find this whole conversation intriguing and inspiring.
Bumper music for this show is “Tater City” by Glenn Shambroom, part of the TRUE ROMANCE collection, courtesy of Triple Scoop Music.
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I’ve known him for like several years, I’m happy he’s finally getting noticed.