November 3, 2011 was quite a whirlwind of a day for filmmakers all across the world. The stills camera manufacturer that unintentionally launched a new era in filmmaking with the 5D Mark II—Canon—made an announcement of a new camera body: the EOS C300. Today on the show we have one of the few filmmakers allowed to make a pre-production short film on the camera; the man who is largely responsible for the aforementioned digital filmmaking evolution—Mr. Vincent Laforet himself.
As is customary, we cover topics in this podcast that go beyond just the gear. We talk about Vincent’s use of the camera for sure. But also his journey from photographer to DP to Director. He gives us an insightful look at what it’s like for Hollywood directors that makes some of them so volatile to work with. He also gives some behind the scenes 411 on the making of his C300 film, “Mobius” (We also learn what legenday filmmaker Martin Scorcese said about the film). You will not want to miss this, the 50th episode of the show.
Be sure to check out for more educational and inspirational blog posts and videos on the art and business of being a filmmaker.
Bumper music for this show is “Tater City” by Glenn Shambroom, part of the TRUE ROMANCE collection, courtesy of Triple Scoop Music.
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Next week on the show we have the editor of FreshDV, the geek talkin’ filmmaker himself, Matthew Jeppsen.
This podcast is done out of a labor or love and desire to give back. If you find it helpful I’d appreciate your support to keep it going. Any donation of $40 or more will garner you a free copy of The Art and Business of DSLR Filmmaking (a $60 value).
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I’m looking forward to seeing the dialogue begin regarding a 2k output Canon C300 costing $20k vs. the 4k output Red Scarlet-X costing $10k. One downside of the Red for me would be the massive storage requirements, both in the field and in the computer, along with the processing requirements. On the other hand, I can also shoot 2k video on the Red with the added benefit of 60fps capture.