Sean Dunne is a filmmaker with a distinct style who has inadvertently become a Vimeo darling. His short documentary “The Archive” has over 345,000 views on Vimeo alone. He is a vision of things to come in the world of independent filmmaking—going out with a small crew, shooting your film, then using the power of social media and the Web to get it scene. He caught the attention of Zacuto and was featured on their FilmFellas series. And today I have the honor of posting my podcast interview with him. I think you’ll be inspired by his story and his attitude and approach towards filmmaking. And he gives me one of the best answers to the “Inception” question: does the top fall at the end of the movie. Don’t miss this one!
Bumper music for this show is “Tater City” by Glenn Shambroom, part of the TRUE ROMANCE collection, courtesy of Triple Scoop Music.
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Sean Dunne’s film, “The Archive”
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ron Dawson, Ron Dawson. Ron Dawson said: He saw him on @Zacuto's FilmFellas. Now hear his story on @crossingthe180. Doc filmmaker SeanDunne […]