My review of the Flashpoint LED lights by Adorama.
Compact Handheld Rigs at NAB
Our new guest blogger and uber-talented camera-man Rob Ruscher gives us a review of some hot handheld gear at NAB this year.
StillMotion’s KNOW Tour – A Review
My objective and in-depth review of StillMotion’s KNOW Tour Workshop. Should you go? Read on to find out.
ioSafe is Fireproof and Waterproof Data Storage
Imagine if you could have the equivalent protection of an offsite data solution without having to go offsite. Imagine no more.
Three Reasons Not to Buy the 5D Mark III Right Now
There seems to be so many differing opinions on whether or not to buy a Canon 5D Mark III for video right now. Here’s why I think you definitely should not.
From Navigator to Chrome. My Epic Browser Journey
Who would’ve thought that a blog post about my history of browser usage would be so much fun to write and read. My journey to Google’s Chrome.
An Overview of Shane Hurlbut’s Master Cinema Series Event
Last weekend was a DSLR filmmaking, star-studded event as Shane Hurlbut and Letus announced the release of their new DSLR rig system, the Master Cinema Series.
A Quick Primer on Using Zeiss CP.2 Cinema Lenses
Producing our 48 Hour Film Project had a series of “firsts” for me. One of those firsts I mentioned was the first time for me shooting with a Zeiss Compact Prime CP.2 cinema lens (pdf link) (specifically the 35mm T2.1). There’s a lot of talk among DSLR filmmakers about the joy and benefits of using […]
Nikon D7000 Video Review for PPA Mag
I’ve started writing articles for PPA Mag on video production. My most recent article is a review of the Nikon D7000 video features. You can read it here. Below is the test video I made during my time in New Orleans. A few things about the video: There was no real plan for this. It […]