Large conferences like WPPI, NAB and SXSW can be very overwhelming. Here are my top 7 tips for getting the most out of them (without going broke!)
How to Crash and Burn Your Business
Celebrity and high-profile wedding and portrait photographer Joe Photo shares some personal experience on mistakes that made his successful business crash and burn. And how he is rising out of those ashes.
The Colorization of Films and Photos. Good or Bad?
The colorization of iconic black and white images by Sanna Dullaway have gone viral and stirred up a controversy. Should iconic photography (or films) be colorized like this?
You See. I Was Right.
With products like this on the market, who needs exercise, healthy eating, or even good photography. A groundbreaking product and video you don’t want to miss!
A Valuable Lesson About Excess from Amadeus
One of the hardest things for me to do as an artist is cut my art. To make my videos shorter. To reduce the number of clips in my portfolio. To keep these blog posts under 1,000 words. 🙂 Do you ever have that problem? Come on…be honest. When you’re sitting in front of your […]
Facing Your Fears as a Professional Artist
This is the second guest post by wedding photographer Sara Chapman. Be sure to check out her excellent first post, “Confessions of a Second Shooter.” Another little known fact about Sara is that she is the second subject who will be featured in my “Mixed in America” documentary series. I’m thrilled to have her contribute […]
The Music Licensing Chickens Have Come Home to Roost in Wedding and Event Videography
An incredibly open and informative guest interview with super star wedding filmmaker Joe Simon is one you must read today.
The Benefits of a Detailed Post Production Schedule
If you’re like me, it can be very easy for you to get overwhelmed with the sheer number of projects you need to complete, people you need to call, places you need to go, etc. A detailed post production schedule keeps me sane.
The Flip Video That Launched a Giant
With all the talk of expensive cameras, I’m reminded that the career of renown commercial/music photog Zack Arias was significantly boosted based on a Flip video he shot.
Confessions of a Second Shooter
Today we get great insight from a second shooter wedding photographer and a mouth-watering apple pie analogy.