What does the power of story have to do with communicating your brand? According to Matt Rollins, creative director at a prestigious Fortune 500-level brand firm, everything.
Applying “The Hero’s Journey” Can Improve Your Corporate & Event Filmmaking
A case study of how Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” can be applied to a real life story, and how you can use that concept in your own filmmaking.
A Promo Video that Repels as Much as it Attracts
The secret to a targeted brand and marketing strategy is being so true to what makes you unique, that you may actually repel some people.
Using a Fictional Narrative Approach to Promote Your Client’s Business
How to use a fictional narrative approach to help your clients’ videos rise above the noise.
Serving Your Client vs Serving Your Muse
Two versions of a film we made for a client provides a lesson in serving your inner muse vs. serving the client.
Taking Risks with a Photographer’s Promo
Our latest photographer promo is a case study in taking risks to be different.
How the 5D Mark III Helped Me Make My Most Important Film to Date
Some behind the scenes info and video on the making of a provocative short film about the sex trafficking of teen girls (that is, trying to stop it.)
Windrider Film Forum Engages Dialog
A promo for a festival of films that gets people talking and moves you to make the world a better place.
Scripts vs. Interviews for Promotional Videos
Why just about all of the promotional videos we produce use documentary style interviews vs. formal scripts. Plus advice on when it make sense to use scripts.
3 Post Production Lessons from the Creative Mornings Doc (Part 3 of 3)
From camera formats, to codecs, to color grading and more. Valuable lessons I learned making this short film doc.