It’s time of a change of scenery. I’ve been using this blog template since November and I’m ready to evolve. So I’m in the process of looking at new designs and templates and trying to lay the foundation for this blog to continue to be a valuable resource to professional filmmakers and photographers. Over the […]
Feedly Is Your Online “Morning Paper”
There is so much information on the web. You get it coming at you from email, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Managing it all can be such a pain in the arse. So I love it when I come across tools that help me manage the content effectively, and and I way that makes sense. One such […]
Five Blogging Tips for Photographers and Filmmakers
It was just five years ago when the event filmmaking community came kicking and screaming into the world wide web of blogging. Many called it a fad. Well, now everyone and their mother has a blog, but it’s still somewhat of a mystery to some as to how to effectively use it. Photographers have been […]
The Definitive Guide to Choosing Between Vimeo and YouTube
The title says it all. I give some very specific things to consider when deciding between the two most popular video sites on the web.
A Follow Friday Strategy That Gets Results
If you’re an avid Twitter-er (is that even a word?) then you are no doubt familiar with #FollowFriday. It’s a Twitter tradition of suggesting to your Twitter followers other people for them to follow. Using the hashtag #FF or #followfriday, you’ll see something like this: #FF @rondawson, @crossingthe180 The theory is that people who follow […]
The Secret to Attaining Work-Life Balance: Disconnect
This was actually a comment I left on Michael Hyatt’s blog, but I thought it would be good to share it with my readers here. Just food for thought, but how would your life change if you weren’t connected 24/7 via your iPhone? I often see people ask the question “How can I attain a […]