The secret to a targeted brand and marketing strategy is being so true to what makes you unique, that you may actually repel some people.
My New Five Dollar Video Service
With sites like Fiverr out there, I figure, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. So today we are now offering our clients $5 video services. Check it out!
Know Your Video’s Objective
Before you start pre-production on any video, you need to ask this vital question.
The Top 7 Tips for Licensing Your Video or Photo Content
There may come a time in this business when a company or other organization will ask to license previously shot content from you. Here are some key tips on how to get the best value for your work.
Using a Fictional Narrative Approach to Promote Your Client’s Business
How to use a fictional narrative approach to help your clients’ videos rise above the noise.
Gary Vaynerchuk on Storytelling
Gary Vaynerchuk gives an ESSENTIAL lesson for all social media marketers.
What IS Storytelling Anyway?
Now that the term “cinematographer” has been used ad nauseam, there’s a new “favorite” term professional artists are adopting. Storyteller. What?
The Top 3 Problems of Universal’s “Best Vacation Ever” Ad
What brand marketing lessons can we learn from Universal’s ad campaign that looks suspiciously similar to Apple’s.
Do Your Clients Have 2 out of These 3 Characteristics?
If you want to stay sane and have a long career as a professional creative, I recommend you make sure most of your clients have at least two of these three characteristics.
Lowering Your Rate Without Hurting Your Brand
This is part 2 of the guest blog post on how to offer lower rates to your clients without hurting your brand.