There’s a reason all those “Top 5” and similar lists are so popular. Today we explore why and why you should care.
The Day I Gained a New Perspective When I Shot the President
The valuable lesson I (Patrick Moreau) learned when I got to shoot the president. Get a new perspective.
Narrative Transportation: What It Is and Why Every Storyteller Needs to Know It
What is it like to be so engrossed in a story, you forget everything around you and lose yourself in the narrative?
What Science Can Teach Us About Being a Truly Happy Creative
There are things that happen within our lives that truly shake us to the core. Those moments that we can remember decades later with vivid clarity.
A Sneak Peek at the New Muse Storybuilder Software
Can software really help you tell better stories? We think this one can.
What Is Plot? The Ultimate Guide for Beginners
Stillmotion lead storytellier Patrick Moreau gives insight into the question “What is plot?” as it pertains to documentary storytelling.
One mind trick to get more out of even the toughest interviewee
Patrick Moreau of Stillmotion shares some more sage advice about interviewing tips for documentary filmmaking.
How to Get Better Interviews by Overcoming this Bad Habit
This one error in thinkingĀ is absolutely insidious and can sabotage so many parts of your filmmaking. And until we confront it, we don’t really have any hope of overcoming it. But first, a story. A couple years back we were doing a rather high-profile video for a large cancer hospital. By “high profile: I mean […]