Shooting narrative fiction scenes with two or more cameras can be extremely effective if done right. Here are some tips for 2-camming on a set.
Archives for August 2012
Customer Service and The Miracle on 34th Street Effect
Wherein I tell you a somewhat comedic adventure to get a new pair of glasses without breaking the bank, and learning a valuable customer service lesson.
Understanding 8bit vs 10bit
When the C300 came out, there was a lot of talk about 8bit vs. 10bit. What do all those bits mean? Today’s guest blog post explains.
The Power of Disconnecting from The Net
For the third year in a row I’m taking a social media break. Find out the top three reasons why you should too.
Windrider Film Forum Engages Dialog
A promo for a festival of films that gets people talking and moves you to make the world a better place.
Why New Businesses Should Not Strive for Perfection
Guest blogger Neil Davidson makes a case that striving for perfection should not be the goal of a business just starting out.
How I Use Evernote for My Paperless System
Wherein I explain how I’m releasing the shackles of paper and gaining a profound sense of freedom and order.
Being in a Music Video for the First Time
Wherein I share my experiences conceiving and starring in my first music video. I think it’s great advice for people on either side of the camera.
Scripts vs. Interviews for Promotional Videos
Why just about all of the promotional videos we produce use documentary style interviews vs. formal scripts. Plus advice on when it make sense to use scripts.
When Starry-Eyed Dreams Confront Harsh Realities
As a little girl I had starry-eyed dreams of walking the red carpet. Now that I’m older, I realize acting is actually hard work that should not be taken for granted.