Comments on: The Power of Documentaries and One You Should Watch TODAY The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Fri, 29 Jul 2011 03:38:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan Rollins Fri, 29 Jul 2011 03:38:17 +0000 In reply to Ron Dawson.

Amen! I heard Carl Olson say that it is hard to find a good organic co-op in Atlanta, he said he found some good places though. We are blessed here in Minneapolis, I think outside of California we seem to be the biggest “health aware” city. We have organic grocery stores and Gluten-free restaurants on about every corner. Plus a ton of great farmers markets.
We know several people actually using Azure Standards to order foods, I believe they have a truck that will drive cross country and they set-up drop points along the way. Check them out: – we are getting connected with a “buying club” in our area so we can start getting orders from them.

By: Ron Dawson Thu, 28 Jul 2011 17:44:17 +0000 In reply to Dan Rollins.

Great comment Dan. We drink Almond Milk vs. regular milk for all the same reasons. We’ve also started shopping at the local Farmers Market. When you give the body the natural things God intended it to have, it can do wonders in healing all sorts of ailments.

By: Dan Rollins Thu, 28 Jul 2011 15:57:50 +0000 I may have seen this, at least I think my wife has. I will be looking it up again. Food, in was eye opening, for the last few years we have structure our family around good food. My wife has done an incredible job of finding local trusted farmers for eggs, honey and now we are doing raw milk… which I HIGHLY recommend you research! It is incredible what we are not told. I had become lactose intolerant in my 20s and milk & dairy would give me all sorts of stomach pains. A couple weeks of drinking a glass of Raw milk a day restored the “right stuff” in my stomach and I can now enjoy dairy and any kind of milk. It has a LOT more properties that you would ever think. I am not a conspiracy theory guy, in fact I am pretty leery of trusting “new fads” in food but I have seen the proof that there is some major things in the food industry that we are not being told. PLUS… my wife has had terrible health for 10 years that has been misdiagnosed by doctors, once we changed our food behaviors and improved what goes on our plate she has had dramatic improvements! Garbage in, Garbage out.. that applies to so many areas of life.

Anyway.. the soapbox is now available for anyone else who wants it. Thanks for posting this Ron!

By: Ron Dawson Thu, 28 Jul 2011 14:46:43 +0000 In reply to Mike Hall.

Food Inc. was scary from a health perspective. This movie is scary on a whole different level.

By: Mike Hall Thu, 28 Jul 2011 14:14:08 +0000 Food, Inc. scared the crud out of me, so I can’t wait to check this film out. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
