Comments on: The MTV Show “Skins”: Art or Legalized Child Pornography? The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Tue, 27 Sep 2011 17:27:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Christopher S. Clark Tue, 27 Sep 2011 17:27:11 +0000 It really is sad. It’s not what I believe media is meant to do. With such a powerful and persuasive medium, the tainted minds of the world are using it to spread pernicious apathy — the kind of apathy that destroys a country, a state, a city, and ultimately a home from the inside out. It’s the most ruthless form of decay, and it happens so imperceptibly that people begin to tolerate it. I have three daughters and a beautiful wife, I’d never want them to see this kind of filth.

Great post.

By: I’m Starting a Boudoir Business for Teen Girls « Blade Ronner: The Personal Blog of Ron Dawson Sat, 12 Feb 2011 14:03:30 +0000 […] But seriously, come on people! It’s 2011 for crying out loud. Lighten up! We have shows like Skins on the air. A boudoir photography business for teen girls is nothing compared to that. And […]

By: Ron Dawson Sun, 23 Jan 2011 03:02:59 +0000 In reply to Alfred B.

Amen to the lazy parenting issue Alfred. Many parents these days have absolutely no idea what their kids watch on TV, the computers, at the movies, etc. It all goes back to the parents. The only reason why parties like the ones depicted on the show can even happen is if parents are not connected and in tune with what’s going on with their kids.

By: Ron Dawson Sun, 23 Jan 2011 03:00:54 +0000 In reply to TJ McDowell.

I love your Cops and F&F analogy. Spot on. I’ve seen documentaries and PSAs about the effects of drugs that would scare a teen straight. Yet, from the commercials and promos for this show, if I were a teen I’d totally want to booze and drug it up.

As far as whether the show will last, hard to say. If enough teens continue to watch it, they’ll continue to make it. Then it will come down to the law stepping in due to the age of the actors. We shall see.

By: Alfred B Sat, 22 Jan 2011 22:46:39 +0000 Great article Ron. I totally agree with you. If this is the direction the youth are headed, then that’s really sad. I watched the trailer and the biggest problem I noticed lasted barely a second… The lack of control the parent had over their child. I see a lot of lazy parenting. That’s even more sad.

By: TJ McDowell Sat, 22 Jan 2011 22:12:46 +0000 Let me just start by saying that I don’t watch a lot of tv, so this is actually the first I’ve heard about this, which means that I’m commenting just based on what I’ve read above. I don’t think the argument about this being “the way things are” really flies for me. If the message they’re sending out to teens is to do whatever you want to do – I think that’s a mistake.

If their intentions are to wake teens up to the consequences of bad choices, that should be pretty evident in the show. How they approach the material will make all the difference in the world. For example, the Cops tv show approaches high speed chases from a completely different perspective than The Fast And The Furious movies. Every time I watch a Fast And Furious movie, I want to go buy a sporty car, but every time I watch people in high speed chases on cops, I think to myself “what an idiot.”

Even if the show is geared towards adults, I’m not sure that really changes the issue. The issue as far as the law is concerned would be that teens under 18 are being used as the stars of the show. All it would take is one of those teens complaining, and they’ll be facing some pretty big legal trouble.

Do you think this show is going to last?
