Comments on: Soon There Will Be No More Filmmakers The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Tue, 12 Jun 2012 23:05:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Matt Moses Tue, 12 Jun 2012 23:05:46 +0000 On the subject of film vs everything else … it’s a moniker.. “film” means you are trying to pursuade/evoke emotion with images…. Everything else is documenting fact.

By: Matt Moses Tue, 12 Jun 2012 23:04:02 +0000 The older you get, the more you NEED the content to have meaning. We do not use up 40% of our entire lives to create trivial things!

By: Jeremy Wed, 26 Oct 2011 23:57:47 +0000 A film to me has always been a “series of motion pictures”. I don’t feel it makes a difference in what medium/format the motion pictures were created. If you are a maker or creator of these images, then to me, you are a filmmaker. I enjoy drawing with charcoal, I am by no means Michelangelo, but I still consider myself an artist.

By: Ron Dawson Wed, 26 Oct 2011 20:15:36 +0000 In reply to Kristen*.

Hey there K*. As I mentioned about, my delcaration about the death of film is more for melodrama and being facetious. I know it’s not dead…yet. And I’m not saying anything negative about film at all. In fact, as I mentioned to someone else, I love the aesthetic of film. I’m commenting on people who say you have to shoot on film to be considered a “filmmaker.”

And you’re right about the commoditization of the industry. But the question is not about the quality of the films. Ed Wood was indeed a filmmaker, despite the fact he’s credited with making what’s considered the worse film of all time. How good someone is is a topic for another blog post.

Speaking of which, ahem, didn’t you say you’d do a guest blog post for me? 🙂 This sounds like as good as topic as any for Ms. * to do a guest blog post on. Whaddaya say? 🙂

All those in favor of Kristen* wrting a guest blog post on this topic, say “aye.” “AYE!”

By: Ron Dawson Wed, 26 Oct 2011 19:51:44 +0000 In reply to Kristen*.

Hey there K*. As I mentioned about, my delcaration about the death of film is more for melodrama and being facetious. I know it’s not dead…yet. And I’m not saying anything negative about film at all. In fact, as I mentioned to someone else, I love the aesthetic of film. I’m commenting on people who say you have to shoot on film to be considered a “filmmaker.”

And you’re right about the commoditization of the industry. But the question is not about the quality of the films. Ed Wood was indeed a filmmaker, despite the fact he’s credited with making what’s considered the worse film of all time. How good someone is is a topic for another blog post.

Speaking of which, ahem, didn’t you say you’d do a guest blog post for me? 🙂 This sounds like as good as topic as any for Ms. * to do a guest blog post on. Whaddaya say? 🙂

All those in favor of Kristen* wrting a guest blog post on this topic, say “aye.” “AYE!”

By: Ron Dawson Wed, 26 Oct 2011 19:51:03 +0000 In reply to Angel De Armas.

You entiendo mi amigo. But I’m really just being a smart-ass with that line. :). I’m cuutting to the chase. I love the aesthetic of film and the history that comes with it. I don’t mean to belittle that. It just got so frustrating to read so many comments from people saying to be considered a real filmmaker you had to shoot on film.

By: Cody Wed, 26 Oct 2011 19:44:33 +0000 In reply to Zack McTee.

When I hear the term “movie maker” it instantly makes me think of feature films… sorry, feature length movies. 90 minute story driven motion picture films/videos that are shown on TV or at movie theaters.

With that being said, who’s to say calling yourself a “movie maker” is wrong? I think if that’s what you want to be called, you should go for it!

By: Angel De Armas Wed, 26 Oct 2011 19:39:57 +0000 I consider myself a Cinematographer. When I started in film, I would shoot a film, or documentary, and then I would give the footage to an Editor. later on When I started shooting digital and also editing, Is it then that I became a Film maker?
It doesn’t matter if you shoot in Digital or film you are still a Cinematographer, but a Film maker? The idea of a film maker for me is one that is involved through out the whole process of creating a Film, from writing, producing, directing / photographing. Somebody like you mentioned, Soderberg, Jackson, Cameron. But would you call Roger Deakins a filmmaker or a Cinematographer.
Ron, as you know I love film as much as I love new technology, For me when I hear that film is dead, it makes me sad that you can so easily dismiss the importance of film. Film is our history as filmmakers, is our history dead? are canvas and oil paints dead because we do everything in photoshop? is Vinyl dead because we listen everything on our MP players? I just don’t understand the rush from so many people involved in the art of film, to so readily declare that film is dead.

By: Cody Wed, 26 Oct 2011 19:38:56 +0000 In reply to Ron Dawson.

From what I have heard, celluloid film has a 100+ year shelf life for archiving… unfortunately, we don’t really have that with any digital medium. This is really the only idea that I would miss about film. We have way to many formats with digital. Hard Disk Drives have been around for quite some time, but even those can’t keep the same connections or guts because technology advances so quickly. IDE>SATA>? – HDD>SSD>? Betacam>Mini DV>P2 cards>SxS Cards>CF cards>SD cards>?

I guess the reality is, we will just have to learn to cope with advancements in technology.

By: Ron Dawson Wed, 26 Oct 2011 19:21:02 +0000 In reply to Morgan.

Good question Morgan. I know a lot of wedding videographer who call themselves wedding filmmakers. Most corporate shooters I know (including myself) call themselves producer (or some version of that).

Your point about French is interesting. I wonder how this topic is considered in non-English speaking countries.

Thanks for commenting.
