Comments on: Star Trek Axanar and the History and Future of Fan Films [RFS-SE20] The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Fri, 29 Jul 2016 02:00:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ron Dawson Fri, 29 Jul 2016 02:00:21 +0000 In reply to Mr Universe.

I didn’t say you had to support the project monetarily. In fact, what I specifically said was to shoot a tweet to CBS and Paramount. That’s one non-monetary way to support them. There are others. People can make up their own mind if they want to throw money at a project in the middle of a lawsuit. I don’t think that’s wise, but I don’t think I need to specifically spell that out either.

As far as the fan guidelines, I’m still holding out hope CBS and Paramount come around to their senses and 1) drop the lawsuit and 2) create guidelines that aren’t so restrictive. I know at the end of the day it’s their IP and they can do with it as they will, but part of this is on them. For 4 decades they’ve let a standard be set. If from the very beginning they fought against fan films, it might have sucked, but at least there wouldn’t have been such a precedent and expectation set. And as I said on the show, ultimately they HURT their brand when they attack fans. And there’s no denying that this project is born out of nothing but love for the franchise. It’s rather ridiculous they came out the door with guns blazing.

By: Mr Universe Wed, 27 Jul 2016 18:54:48 +0000 Now I’m confused. Robert has said on Twitter and FB that he can’t be called “director” since the film isn’t in production. So which is it Bob?

Also, I find it odd that you’re (Ron) advocating people to support monetarily a project that is in the middle of a copyright suit (which they’ll probably lose) and even if by some miracle they win they would run afoul of the new fan film guidelines so won’t get made anyway.
