Comments on: Know Everything Before Giving a Quote The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Mon, 13 May 2013 10:16:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Denis from Deneemotion Mon, 13 May 2013 10:16:02 +0000 Great article! Things would be so much easier if clients were more open regarding their budget, at least approximate!

By: Ron Dawson Tue, 30 Apr 2013 10:06:17 +0000 In reply to Maria T..

Excellent point Maria about asking for a budget range first. I always try to do that. ESPECIALLY for jobs I know may tak half an afternoon to write a proposal. Don’t want to spend all that time for nothing. And you’re also right about client budgets sometimes being bigger than you may have imagined. It’s like in negotiating…it’s always best to let the other person give his or her number first.

Thanks for the comment.

By: Maria T. Tue, 30 Apr 2013 06:26:39 +0000 Oh man Ron everything you say is totally true, you absolutely need to know everything before even giving a ballpark. Many people who haven’t worked with a professional videographer or video company just get so suspicious when your response to “how much will this cost?” is “well it depends.” Not that everyone gets suspicious but it’s dangerous to give someone a quote on the spot. I really wish people would be more open about what their budget is and understood it’s not that we are trying waste their money, instead that we truly want to offer as much as possible within their budget.

My brother used to sell appliances for department store and whenever a customer went up to him and said “I need to buy a washing machine” his first question was usually “what’s your budget or how much were you hoping to spend?” That was it, customer always answered without hesitation and he would show them the best washer he could within that price range. One time in my early years I had someone ask me how much would it cost to produce a cooking video and I just had a feeling I was going to spend a lot of time working on a proposal that she in the end was going to say “this is too much”. So instead I asked what her budget was and she hesitated, I gave her the washing machine example (I probably would never do that again at least using that specific example) and she said oh okay it’s $1500…which was two times bigger than what I assumed she had. So I try to figure out what people’s budgets are so I have real numbers to work with but of course many times they won’t share unless you can get them to understand you are truly on their side. Great blog Ron.

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