Comments on: Is Final Cut Pro X Becoming a True Player The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Wed, 08 May 2013 04:56:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rick Wed, 08 May 2013 04:56:40 +0000 In reply to dudemeister.

Wow. If we were looking for a NLE supervillain, I think we’ve found him. “They called me MAD! What Fools!! But I’ll show them!!”

Please catch your breath, Mr. Rawl.

I’m very grateful for some of the information we’re hearing from those who have merely dabbled and are not yet power users in FCPX. t’s extremely useful to learn how easy or difficult someone finds switching to FCPX from Avid, Premiere or FCP7. Most of Randy’s difficulties will probably match the experience of any and all Avid editors who make the switch. It doesn’t say FCPX is bad, or that he won’t like it eventually once he masters it. It just says if you expect everything to be transparently clear when you power up the program, you’re in for a shock.

Oh. Denigrating someone because he stacks clips in a timeline or tosses them at the end of a sequence is probably the funniest thing I’ve heard in a long while. Thanks for that!

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By: dudemeister Wed, 20 Feb 2013 14:35:22 +0000 In reply to Ron Dawson.

Whatever. You can’t even get the basics of what I wrote straight and misquote me, move words around at will and make completely false claims, so there’s clearly no point, you’re right. (e.g. where did I REFUSE anything??! Make shit up much?)

And I have zero clue what a “real” would change ANYTHING as far as the facts, content and legitimacy or my opinion are concerned. That’s just a petty cop-out IMHO.

My real name is Andy Rawl (though I could claim ANYTHING and you wouldn’t even know any better) and… oh WOW… that sheds an entirely different light on matters!! You’re right!


By: Ron Dawson Wed, 20 Feb 2013 14:00:17 +0000 In reply to dudemeister.

Really. I’M part of the problem? Interesting. The problem with YOUR take is that it does nothing to promote or HELP our industry. Is your desire really to help him (or anyone else for that matter) see the value in FCPX, or do you just want to prove you’re a superior editor? What possible constructive help is there calling someone an idiot and telling him to get a clue. It’s comments and attitudes like that that keep people from WANTING to learn FCPX.

Secondly, just because a person wants to edit a certain way that you find ineffective or even deplorable, doesn’t invalidate their feelings about it. You may very well be correct in your assessment that stacking clips at the end of a sequence is not the best way to edit. Calling a person ignorant for doing it that way, then refusing to share why YOUR way is better, just comes off as prideful arrogance. Maybe the reason you keep hearing it for the 4,782 time is because every time you hear it, instead of truly offering to help a person understand, you insult them. If that’s been your approach, I can see why you keep hearing it. On top of that, to do it behind and anonymous moniker is cowardice. Just keeping it real.

But, I have sneaky suspicion this could turn into a ping-pong tournament between you and me. So, let’s agree to disagree.

By: dudemeister Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:02:09 +0000 In reply to Ron Dawson.

LOL… the Robin Hood of threads.

Sorry, but suggesting an opinion that is clearly based on nothing but IGNORANCE of the subject he is “reviewing” somehow bears any credibility and has any merit whatsoever, then sending him off with a little pat on the head is the only thing “rude” here. You both insult every experienced (X or otherwise) and most of all KNOWLEDGABLE editors’ intelligence. Get over yourself and maybe tell people like him to actually catch a clue FIRST before simply cultivating the usual mindless nonsense based upon nothing but said ignorance. I couldn’t care LESS what he uses, just use it without spreading BS about other NLEs in the process. Because if you’re talking about something you clearly know nothing about, then any and everything you say can only be BS. And I’m at the point that if I see it for the 4782nd time, I call it. Deal. If you or he can’t stand the heat…

And if you actually want to DEFEND that drivel, bravo. You’re just part of the problem. You don’t even grasp that someone that doesn’t even GET the software to begin with can hardly make any sort of judgment of it let alone whether “the more traditional way of editing works for you” to begin with! Duuuh!

By: Ron Dawson Wed, 20 Feb 2013 11:34:18 +0000 In reply to dudemeister.

“Dudemeister” – that’s a very uncool comment to give Randy. He was being forthright and honest in a way that was polite and respectful. Why reward that with rudeness? (Anonymous rudeness at that).

FCPX isn’t for everybody. It is paradigm shift in thinking. There’s no right or wrong way to edit.

Randy, kudos for trying something new. If the more traditional way of editing works for you, there’s nothing wrong with that. The things you mentioned about FCPX do take getting used to. It’s definitely worth trying again when you have the time, but no judgment if you ultimately decide it’s not for you.

Good luck!

By: dudemeister Wed, 20 Feb 2013 11:23:54 +0000 In reply to Randy.

Well, as soon as Avid runs out of CEOs to fire, departsments to sell of and out of money in general (which shouldn’t take all that much longer), the desicion to switch won’t be yours to make anymore.

And you’re *clearly* yet another one of those that curse at X because you never even grasped it to begin with because you don’t even actually bother to LEARN it before casting your wannabe “pro” opinion.

And anyone that has to STACK clips in the timeline of all places OR needs to hide them at the end of the timeline, obviously lacks even the most basic organizational skills. Ironically people like YOU would by far benefit the MOST from using X. If only you had a clue how it works and grasped the whole idea behind it. But no, you’re a “pro”, you already know everything, right? If YOU don’t get it, then its GOT to suck! lol

Same ol’ same ol’.

By: Randy Wed, 20 Feb 2013 07:39:34 +0000 I learned editing in college way back in 2000 on final cut pro 2.0 or 3.0.. Final Cut was my first NLE love. I became very quick at Final Cut on up thu FCP 6.0.. then i got a job offer I couldn’t refuse and had to switch to Avid for the big payday working on television promos and commericals on a daily basis in Los Angeles. I’ve now been in the AVID world for 7 years… and don’t see my facility switching anytime soon. I work at a company with 15 editors all working on Avid MC on an ISIS Unity who work around the clock handing off projects to each other in various states of progress and working out of the same project on a daily basis. Not sure this workflow would work with FCP or Premiere.

I did check out FCP X last month in a free trial. I admit, it was frustrating as hell. My biggest frustration was the timeline and lack of tracks. I like stacking video tracks.. saving shots at the end of the timeline.. stacking alternate shots as I work and change my mind. This all proved difficult and annoying in FCP x.

I also hated the bubble filler slugs between clips and the fact that I couldn’t throw clips at the end of my timeline.. to grab when i needed them. Basically I’ve become a lightning fast avid editor over the years.. And all that muscle memory is hard to unlearn.

The things i loved about FCP X is the ability to just import your media.. any media and just start cutting. I see the potential of the metadata and skimming organization of FCP X too.. very innovative.

Eventually I’ll give FCP X a chance again.. but i think i’m going to learn the Adobe Creative Suite in my free time. Really want to get better After Effects and Premiere 6.0 is much less daunting to learn. It’s kind of like the old Final Cut Pro and Avid had a baby interface wise.

By: dudemeister Wed, 05 Dec 2012 16:05:37 +0000 In reply to Ron Dawson.

Only by exchanging the installed GPU, yes. But even tho the GPUs in iMacs are socketed and therefore theoretically upgradeable, the boards are not sold separately and no 3rd party has ever come out with alternatives. So when bying an iMac, one should always get the max VRAM available, as pricey as that may be.

In a machine such as a Mac Pro it’s of course no problem due to them being PCI cards.

By: Ron Dawson Wed, 05 Dec 2012 15:57:28 +0000 In reply to dudemeister.

Thanks for the tip. Is VRAM something can be upgraded?
