Comments on: How UPS Failed a Basic Premise The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Wed, 27 Jan 2016 16:41:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: gloriousdayfilms Thu, 20 Mar 2014 20:43:24 +0000 In reply to Ron Dawson.

I think it’s a brilliant idea. For the most part, local business owners have a greater invested interest to provide you with excellent customer service and maintain your loyalty as a customer.

By: Ron Dawson Mon, 11 Nov 2013 14:59:02 +0000 In reply to Brian Russell.

OMG! That makes the story even lamer on UPS’s part. Who was the genius marketer at UPS that said, “Hey, let’s turn over our brand to a bunch of incompetent, locally owned franchisees with no real connection or regard for maintaining our brand.” Yeah. That’ll be real smart.

By: How UPS Failed a Basic Premise | planet5D pinterest news Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:42:36 +0000 […] How UPS Failed a Basic Premise Nov 11th, 2013 @ 07:00 am › planetMitch ↓ Leave a comment […]

By: Brian Russell Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:24:20 +0000 Hey Ron,

A well kept secret is that UPS stores are not actually UPS at all. They are franchises and part of a completely seperate company that has a relationship with UPS. Everything costs more there than if you go directly to an actual UPS shipping depot (sometimes as much as double.) I had an experience a while back where I shipped a large amount of gear, and they insisted in charging me hundreds of dollars in insurance even though I said I didn’t want it and have my own insurance which covers my gear while in transit. They said it was “required” on large shipments. I called UPS headquarters to complain and they did help me resolve the issue and get a refund, but it was not easy – this is how I learned UPS stores are not really UPS. I now tell anyone who will listen to stay away. I hope I never treat my customers this way and I hope they never tell others to avoid me!
