Comments on: Film Editing Tips – There’s a Reason They Call it “Cutting” The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Mon, 11 Mar 2013 05:00:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adobe Prelude: Organize, Log and Rough Cut | Mon, 11 Mar 2013 05:00:17 +0000 […] Editing trivia break: If you are wondering why they are called bins and not folders, film hung in bins when editors were cutting film! […]

By: Ron Dawson Thu, 15 Nov 2012 02:12:46 +0000 In reply to gamer7.

This is a very good question. Let’s say you’re making a promo video for a client. You really want it to hit the major services and get viewers to connect. So you may cover all the high level bases like this video we did for photographer Shawn Reeder:

But let’s say you have a lot of great detail about some other aspect of his business you can’t afford to go into in the main video. So, you can use one of these extra videos to elaborate on some aspect of the client’s service you only briefly touched on in the main promo. Like this:

I hope that sheds some light on the subject.

By: gamer7 Wed, 14 Nov 2012 22:20:28 +0000 Hello,

very helpful tips, though I am a bit confused on the following:

“Sometimes you can split a video into multiple parts if you feel that the information you have is too important to leave out, but adding it back in will make the piece too long. For my photographer promo clients, I will almost always have a complementary shorter video that has additional interview footage from their clients. (Note: that’s complementary with an “e,” not an “i”. ) Think of them as “special features.” It gives the viewer the option to dive deeper into a specific topic if they want, while keeping the main promo short and tight.”

Could you elaborate on this? What is the point in having an ‘extra’ piece if it is never going to be in the video? And how are you going to ‘split’ the video here? How and in what sense?


By: 6 Tips For A Better Edit | Raindance Film Festival Wed, 14 Nov 2012 17:15:54 +0000 […] […]

By: Capturing the Essence of the Edit | Dare Dreamer Magazine Wed, 24 Oct 2012 12:01:53 +0000 […] As I’ve written before, editing video is about cutting out all that you can cut out in order to get to the purest essence of the message. I recently read in an article about the power of video that the average attention span of a  person nowadays is just 8 seconds (that’s one second less than the attention span of a goldfish). That means when a person comes to a website, you have (on average) just 8 seconds to capture their attention. For those of you who are producing web videos for your clients, you need to be aware of this fact. […]

By: Scripts vs. Interviews for Promotional Videos | Dare Dreamer Magazine Mon, 06 Aug 2012 16:08:23 +0000 […] also going to have a lot of extraneous info. I like to edit all that stuff out to make the video as tight as possible. I use the b-roll to cover the visual jump-cuts that are formed when cutting out those extra […]

By: Is It “Vera Wang”? A Strategy For Producing Excellent Work | Dare Dreamer Magazine Mon, 23 Jan 2012 13:01:07 +0000 […] As I’ve written before, one of the hardest things for an editor to do is cut. But one of the keys to producing “Vera Wang” quality work is just that: cut. Cut anything that does not hold up to a standard of excellence required. Here are some tips on picking “Vera Wang” shots: […]

By: A Valuable Lesson About Excess from Amadeus | Dare Dreamer Magazine Mon, 12 Dec 2011 13:01:35 +0000 […] and photography I’ve come to learn and respect: less really can be more. As I wrote about here, there’s a reason they call editing “cutting.” You have to make the hard choices […]

By: The Importance of Making a Focused Video | Dare Dreamer Magazine Tue, 13 Sep 2011 13:01:00 +0000 […] doing short videos intent on communicating a strong message. Earlier this year I wrote about the importance of cutting in film and video editing. Cutting out all the extraneous information and unnecessary exposition to get to the heart, the […]

By: Hasta La Vista Baby (Until September) « The Art & Business of Filmmaking & Photography Mon, 01 Aug 2011 13:05:03 +0000 […] Film editing tips – there’s a reason they call it “cutting” […]
