Comments on: Featured Filmmaker Friday – Matt Jeppsen of The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Wed, 16 Nov 2011 18:46:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Randolph Sellars Wed, 16 Nov 2011 18:46:01 +0000 Great interview Ron & Matt. Interesting discussions about titles. So you know my perspective, I’ve been in the film industry for over thirty years and mostly refer to myself as a DP or cinematographer – but I’ve also added filmmaker because I now also write, direct & produce as well. I shot film for many years (including features) but the notion of using “film only” as a criteria to call oneself a filmmaker is ludicrous. It is snobbery – but it will eventually end because film will inevitably cease to be a dominant or viable medium. Everyone will have to embrace digital. But that’s another discussion. I don’t take issue with anyone calling themselves a cinematographer. Part of becoming a professional is being ready to “own” your title within yourself. It’s confidence. Heck, we all did it at some point in our careers whether or not we deserved it yet. Those with more experience should cut some slack to those who are more newcomers. Who cares what someone calls themselves? It’s always been about the quality of the work within a given media genre and budget level. Producers or clients hire us because they like our work. Of course, other skills matter as Matt points out. But it takes a reel, a resume, and an interview to access those skills. BTW, back in the 80’s, I spent a brief stint working as a gaffer for Russ Carpenter. He is indeed a gracious gentleman and a talented guy.
