Comments on: Exert Your Expertise The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Fri, 16 Mar 2012 02:56:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ron Dawson Fri, 16 Mar 2012 02:56:54 +0000 In reply to tony iannuzzi (@dony31).

Wow. That’s a frustrating situation. Thanks for sharing Tony. If you get a chance, do a search on my site for the post about “When clients hate what THEY asked for.” Sounds just like what you went through.

By: tony iannuzzi (@dony31) Fri, 16 Mar 2012 02:36:54 +0000 I’ve been in this situation more times than I care to remember… But one of my favorite client moments occured during a product demo shoot. The client asked us to shoot on location at a retail store that was open to the public, because the loved the in store display. We suggested getting some beauty shots in the store, but filming all of the complex product demos in a more controlled environment. They insisted everything had to be shot in the store, and we went along knowing it would be a challenge. The shoot was going great, and we were overcoming the obstacles in short order … Until .. The client decided they didn’t like the in store display for certain shots, and held up our shoot for two hours while the went to another store to purchase black drape to cover up the display! They actually said they wanted more of a studio look, which WE had lobbied for in the weeks preceding the shoot! This caused overtime charges and sub par work, and in the end we were blamed! We had all of our suggestions in writing, but it really didn’t matter .. We were made to be the scapegoat. #classic
