Comments on: Edward Burns Crosses the Gap Between Old Hollywood and New The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Wed, 01 Jun 2011 22:58:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: james Wed, 01 Jun 2011 22:58:30 +0000 I really like this post as it focuses on why filmmakers, can sometimes re-adjust their thinking and focus on other revenue and audience streams.

James – United By Photography.

By: DW Fri, 27 May 2011 21:08:44 +0000 Your last paragraph sums it up pretty well. I welcome the trend to make movies without a multi-million dollar budget. It allows filmmakers to share their vision, not cater to the financial backers who may have their own agendas. And THAT allows (though doesn’t require) the art to become the primary focus again. Hollywood is dead, long live Hollywood!
