Comments on: Demand for Video: The Good News and Bad News The Sites & Sounds of Creative Expression Wed, 01 Feb 2012 20:42:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: || Atelier Pictures || Portland Photography and Cinematography Wed, 01 Feb 2012 20:42:37 +0000 We have had a few conversations with clients about setting them up with all the tools necessary for them to run a long term online video campaign. It is tricky figuring out the fee structure for doing, basically, consultation work. There are some good strengths to having the organization take control of their video content.

Also, on a side note, in our conversations with wedding clients, we do a lot of education of what video looks like today. They know it is valuable, but do not have reasonable expectations regarding the time required and cost.

By: Kris Simmons Fri, 27 Jan 2012 13:15:39 +0000 Its easy to get fixated on all the people who take the DIY approach and to get frustrated by what seems to be less opportunity for pros like us. However, I choose to believe that if more people are using video, that means more opportunities for videographers. Sure, some companies who used to hire outsiders are now taking it in house but a lot of small to medium size companies are also getting into the game at the same time and desperately need our services because they lack the time/people resources to do it themselves.

We should focus on the opportunities for growth instead of obsessing in the areas that hurt our business. I believed when I first started this business that if you can tell a story visually in a way that only a professional can and if you bust your butt to market/sell those capabilities, there will always be plenty of opportunities to put food on the table…and then some!

By: Clayton Arnall Fri, 27 Jan 2012 04:00:43 +0000 I think you’re right in saying the middle is going away. However, I had business call me the other day and say they were tired of their DIY style videos and wanted a more professional polish for their marketing videos – so all hope isn’t lost! There will always be people looking for quality stuff.

By: Anton Seim Fri, 27 Jan 2012 03:39:41 +0000 You hit it on the head when you said, “they, and their audience, just donโ€™t care.” The good news is, most of us really don’t want to make the kind of videos that serve an audience who don’t care if they look and sound bad – even if they pay the bills. If the next Batman movie looked like it was shot on a DSLR and lit with Home Depot work lights, nobody would go see it. So we both need to set our sights higher and make peace with the fact that our “almost clients” will get what they pay for, and nobody will pay attention to their crappy videos (if people do really start accepting lackluster quality, well, there’s nothing we can do about it). My point is that you’re right, we need to do two things, diversify, and make ourselves indispensable. I just lost a huge job to a client with a T3i (that I even recommended they purchase). In the down-time, I’m watching tutorials on (for $25/mo.) and learning new skills that are going to blow their minds – skills that they will have to pay me to use to make things for them that are clearly out of their scope.

By: David Fri, 27 Jan 2012 03:29:55 +0000 Ron,

Video quality is a direct reflection on the business. Americans are surrounded by high quality video products on TV (content may be crap but video quality is great). Most grade school kids won’t watch a poorly produced show.

Poor quality video is easily translated into “I don’t care enough about you (the viewer) to do a competent job” Brogan can afford to produce bad video because he has an established following from his books and social media content. Can’t say I would stick around to watch his video if I didn’t know who he was. Brogan’s video get hits because lots of people can’t afford to see him speak but are interested in what he has to say and will put up with poor quality video for free. I wouldn’t recommend using crappy video if you are trying to communicate without a huge preexisting following.

I do think there is also a difference in the type of show. If Twit or Pixel Corps are doing a live cast, things can get rough but I am perfectly willing to forgive them for the payoff of immediacy. That said, Leo Laporte has poured a ton of money into making his in-studio show network quality and he has benefited from it. People/Organizations will PAY to support and be associated with quality.

Great post,


By: Ron Dawson Fri, 27 Jan 2012 01:05:26 +0000 In reply to Steve Lubetkin.

Ha. Considering I do some writing for them on occasion, I wouldn’t be surprised. ๐Ÿ™‚ But I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

By: Steve Lubetkin Fri, 27 Jan 2012 01:02:26 +0000 In reply to Ron Dawson.

Professional Photographers of America must be reading this blog. Today they launched all kinds of resources for members to use on their websites and in their social media to differentiate professionals from amateurs. see for one example.

By: Ron Dawson Fri, 27 Jan 2012 00:39:34 +0000 In reply to Michael Wright.

Oh. It’s a very big business! ๐Ÿ˜‰

By: Michael Wright Thu, 26 Jan 2012 22:43:50 +0000 Cat Juggling videos! I’m all over that idea… Thanks Ron!

By: Jason Groh Thu, 26 Jan 2012 16:23:24 +0000 Thank you sir! ๐Ÿ™‚
